A majestic parrot landed on a soccer player’s head mid-match

A majestic parrot landed on a soccer player’s head mid-match

This bird just wanted attention imo. Sports delays happen due to all sorts of reasons, but rarely a parrot landing.

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Aproveitando o ocorrido de hj, eu, como mato-grossense, não poderia deixar de externar meu sentimento de profunda tristeza por tudo que vem acontecendo no pantanal. Milhares de animais estão perdendo a vida com as queimadas e se isso continuar acontecendo, cenas (raras) como esta que vcs estão vendo neste vídeo, se tornarão impossíveis de serem vistas. Sejamos conscientes! Vamos cuidar do nosso maior patrimônio que é a natureza! CBF #PantanalEmChamas #SOSPantanal #AraraCaninde #Arara #MatoGrosso #MatoGrossoDoSul #CentroOeste A post shared by ✨Bruna Benites✨ (@brunabenites) on Sep 19, 2020 at 3:26pm PDT

A women’s soccer match in Brazil was paused over the weekend when a blue and gold macaw landed on the head of Bruna Benites. Being in a spot of bother, the bird was offered the nearest head-shaped object to move to, in this case the ball. It liked the ball for a second, before majestically leaving the game — probably to find another head to land on.
Benites said on her Instagram that the parrot is often a visitor to the stadium, and is a pet of a local family. However, the bird decided it would like to be a part of the game, flying over the pitch and landing on her head before being coaxed off out of the stadium.
I think it would be kinda neat to have a parrot land on my head … but I’m also against the idea of talons being on my head. It’s a real conundrum.
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